Herniated Disc

Herniated discs leave people suffering from debilitating back pain but you don’t have to be one of them. Our team at Circle of Healing Chiropractic in Desoto, TX, is here to help you get relief with your pain without needing to rely on drugs or surgery. For more information about how chiropractic care can help provide effective back pain treatment, read on down below.


Understanding Herniated Discs

If you’ve ever wondered how your spinal bones don’t rub together, the answer is that you have small cushions sitting between them. These cushions are called discs. They are made with a soft, pliable inner filling and tough exterior casing.

Sometimes, our discs sustain unnecessary pressure due to things like:

  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive lifting
  • Lifting while bending or twisting
  • Sitting for long periods
  • Auto injuries and more

This pressure can lead to the exterior casing developing a tear. The soft, pliable inner filling then spills out of that tear and lies on a surrounding nerve or muscle. This can create a great deal of pain, as well as numbness, weakness, tingling, burning, and other symptoms.

Chiropractic Back Pain Treatment

When you visit a chiropractor near you for back pain relief, you’ll receive a thorough assessment of your symptoms and musculoskeletal system. The chiropractor will seek to uncover the source of your pain and create a customized treatment plan to address that source.

When herniated discs are the cause of your pain, one main goal of treatment will be to remove the pressure from the disc. Spinal adjustments and manipulation may be used to this end as well as stretching exercises. Once pressure is removed from the disc, it may begin to heal, hopefully taking the pressure away from the surrounding nerves, too.

Your treatment may also focus on any resulting symptoms and contributing factors. For example, herniated discs may lead to muscle tension. Soft tissue techniques can be used to he;[ relieve tension and lifestyle adjustments can be recommended to address any habits or movements that increase pressure on the discs.

Get Back Pain Treatment and Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor Near You for Back Pain Relief

Learn more about healing herniated discs through natural methods by calling (972) 748-2788 to schedule an appointment with us at Circle of Healing Chiropractic in Desoto, TX, today. Contact us for back pain treatment and chiropractic care from a chiropractor near you for back pain relief.

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